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Point Banking
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Point Banking
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Dear Moderators
Point Banking
Edited by ۩ Pаłρаtіnє ۩
your dark power? OH DEAR ! OH DEAR !!!
Hallo LG Palpatine
Ich sehe Sie jedes Mal, wenn Sie in Sinuca, Blackball, Straight Pool und Lite sitzen und jeden Tag 50 Punkte machen, was unmöglich ist, da wir wissen, dass keine Leute an solchen Spielen teilnehmen, also ist der Grund für Ihr Verbot meiner Meinung nach folgender: Du rufst Leute an, um zu spielen/eröffnest ein neues Konto (Point Banking), und als du gebannt wurdest, entgingst du auch dem Bann auf deinem zweiten Nick, nämlich Cheating A/c to Rules of flyordie

Jegliche Form von unsportlichem Verhalten wird nicht toleriert, FlyOrDie behält sich das Recht vor, Punkte auf null zurückzusetzen und/oder Ihren Spitznamen für dieses Vergehen zu sperren.

Es enthält:

1. Deine Bewertung künstlich anpassen (Zurücksetzen, Banking, einen anderen deiner anderen Spitznamen spielen ...)
2. Ermutigen Sie Ihren Gegner, das Spiel zu verlassen
3. absichtlich zugunsten Ihres Gegners verlieren
4. Akzeptieren Sie das Verhalten Ihres Gegners, der absichtlich verliert
5. Verwendung des Spitznamens eines anderen Benutzers zur Teilnahme an den geplanten Turnieren
6. Verwendung von mehr als nur einem Spitznamen im selben geplanten Turnier

Also Kumpel, spiel fair und hab einen guten Tag, diese Spiele sind nur dazu da, deinen Geist zu erfrischen, nicht mehr. Genieße deine Ferien
Frohe Weihnachten
Frohes neues Jahr im Voraus
Edited by ۩ Pаłρаtіnє ۩
Hi LG Palpatine
I am seeing you every time you sit in sinuca, blackball, straight pool, and lite and make 50 pts every day which is impossible as we know that no people  play in that such games so the reason for your ban according to me is that: you calling people to play/ making a new account ( point banking ) and when you were banned you evading ban too on your second nick which is Cheating A/c to Rules of flyordie 

Any form of unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated, FlyOrDie reserves the right to reset points to zero and/or ban your nickname for this offense.

It includes:

1. artificially adjusting your rating (resetting, banking, playing another of your other nicknames ...)
2. encouraging your opponent to leave the match
3. intentionally losing in favor of your opponent
4. accepting your opponent's behavior who is intentionally losing
5. using another user's nickname to participate in the scheduled tournaments
6. using more than only 1 nickname in the same scheduled tournament

So mate play fair and have a good day these games are only to freshen your mind not anymore. Enjoy your holidays
Merry Christmas
Happy new year in advance
50 pts a day?, I didn't it. Check my info in Sinuca, only 5-10 pts per day since my rating was 500+. My opponent just came and played with me, what is forbidden there? I demand an investigation, still maintain my innocence.
playing low rater is not an issue in those games where no people came like 50 60 pts( sinuca, bank pool, straight pool, blackball ) but playing low rater+ cheating is not allowed so be calm have fun try to take the crown by fair play now I hope u would be crown of all FOD games in the next year so gl for this the game is only for me as a source of happiness enjoyment
thank you 🤞🏼✌🏼
Edited by ۩ Pаłρаtіnє ۩
great same now problem had been resolved have fun in new year
Hi Naveed. what i dont understand is that you suggest that Palpatine cheats? He is a long time member. So if he did something wrong then moderation team surely discover. And by the way you complain about others. But you have more accounts and ipadresses then i can count. James Maxwell, Nbk Ronnie, Neil Robertson, Exibition Shot, Naveed Rock its all you. And then you talk about playing fair? Then start playing fair first by yourself. Good luck.Greetings Wall
hi Mr. waller or aka ferry12 ( unknown banned on nick sharing ) it's not a matter to discuss cuz mods know their job I was been banned too for that reason but I don't ask from mods like u on the forum about your innocence because they know much better about the rules of FOD and u asking of what ips u don't have to show anything about my mods and admins know better. I was reset in the bank pool too its because same reason points banking as palpatine had done playing own nicks etc so guys please try to play fair this is my last reply to that guy (waller) who continuously insulted me 
Hi naveed. 2 things i never been banned. I have no multiple nicks like you do. Palpatine is a long time member and a really good player. He is very fair. And why you have multiple accounts like Nbk Ronnie, James Maxwell, Neil Robertson, Exibition shot. its al you. And then you talk about being fair? Being fair starts with yourself. I really do hope you do that in future. Good luck. Greetings Wall
Edited by ۩ Pаłρаtіnє ۩
Edited by ۩ Pаłρаtіnє ۩
>>I have been a member here for the longest time since 2009.
Is there any possibility that a longest member can not cheat??
Edited by ۩ Pаłρаtіnє ۩
palpatine u r not banned of playing low rater u banned for playing own accounts (point banking) hope u now understand and u made 40-50 pts when u play whole day and night to took crown in sinuca and blackball
Edited by ۩ Pаłρаtіnє ۩
"Cᴇϻʀᴇ" ... aussi même personne ... 99,9% sûr.
good to know!!!