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Yardım istiyorum
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Yardım istiyorum
Ben Google hesabımdan giriyorum. Sitenin bu yeni güncellemesinden sonra,bu girişten profil resmi değiştirmem mümkün olmadı. Çok denedim fakat gönderme butonu olmadığından değişemiyorum. Bunu yapa bilmenin başka bir alternatifi var mı?yada nasıl yapa bilirim?
Hello ❤️Zaynah❤️ I have to do this in English, sorry for that. ( Maalesef Türkçe kullanıcı arayüzünün isimlerini bilmediğim için bunu İngilizce yapmak zorundayım)

I suppose you are on a mobile phone? 

If yes, tap "Me" 

Then scroll down.

Almost at the bottom of the page you see the menu item "Picture" and the buttons - "Choose file" and "Remove file". Here you can upload a new picture by tapping on Choose file ...

I hope I could help you. 

Kind Regards, John
I tried again, but it doesn't work, because there is no send button.
Hello :)

You chose the file (has to be a .jpg or .png file) 

then you tap "upload picture" the button at the bottom of this site.

hoping .... :))
... or a .gif file :))
I'm "John Stewart" lol. Was logged in with my 2nd account :))
If it still doesn't work, you may contact FlyOrDie's technical support:  

Kind regards, John
Mr. jhon I did all of what you said, but it didn't happen again and I changed a lot but now after the system update it is not possible
I'm sorry! Please contact the technical support of FlyOrDie:  
 I am sure that they will be able to help you.

Kind regards, John