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Goodbye and thanks you for all people I meted here the best people I meted here are SM22, Goliathchess and NBK Giuseppe. Goodbye FoD!!!!!!

KevinNYTYT is out.
Edited by <unknown author>
I didn't know you are so young. Sorry for my behavior. Your English is very good for someone that young. All the best then!
So, resume: Kevin meted people and he says goodbye to them. the meaning of "KevinNYTYT" is not explained. He wants me to translate stuff. Then he asks if I'm happy because No-Hit has a ban. I answered "yes". then he said I don't care about others. then he asks if I play something like UNO or bloking or something. I don't know what all that is, but Kevin never explains it. And then he says "A po muy bien por ti". Seriously Kevin, you don't make any sense xD. I think it's good you're leaving. To get a grip on yourself and then maybe come back when you start making sense again :)
And for who are u saying this?
Because my channel was called KevinNYTYT
I said was met the autocorrector made that!
BRUH:/ :s :|
Why u laugh?
you said bye but you're still here. Just leave mate, no worries.
Do u play "UNO" ? If u play bloking xD
this boy is eleven, but you seem to be younger. 
no offence.
How u know? Wait younger!?
Edited by <unknown author>
I know because you told it to everybody in memory, some time ago.  Have a nice week-end! Don't get lost in endless discussions, kevin. Best wishes, Tom
And u too, have a nice weekend!
In memory? I told that to people but in private
Edited by <unknown author>
Bruh translate this: Ahora me da pena irme porque tengo muchos amigos pero la cosa mala es para que tener amigos cuando no les puedes hablar :(:(:(:(:(:(
are you leaving the internet or something? this is just a website with a game on it, nothing more. you can play whenever you want. why call it "leave". you want attention? Is that it?
Now are u happy? Because No-Hit get ban
So don't care about others!
Edited by <unknown author>
What are you talking about. I seriously have no clue what you're saying in this topic. xD
A po muy bien por ti
meted? how will you fill in your life now?
Was autocorrect I wanted to wrote met
Edited by <unknown author>
I want to take this moment to let you know I like waffles
Me too
Edited by <unknown author>
Ahora me da pena irme porque tengo muchos amigos pero la cosa mala es para que tener amigos cuando no les puedes hablar :(:(:(:(:(:(
Edited by <unknown author>