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Assistant Moderator
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Dear Moderators
Assistant Moderator
Posted in 
Dear Moderators
Assistant Moderator
Ainara is making false claims that I am sending her  private messages which I am not. It is my understanding that she is an assistant mod and she shows favoritism towards certain players, specifically  Birdwatcher. Kindly, ask Ainara to leave me alone. If she is ease dropping in on my private conversation with my friends, I find that to be a direct violation of my privacy and what I say to my friends in private is non of her business'.  Thank you for your immediate attention into this matter
hello waytogo1,just that the moderators will see your private messages that you sent to me personally. the report has been sent.and every day you do the same things    you harass players, I want to tell you that I don't know anyone in particular in backgammon, and I am against injustice, goodbye
If you are truly about "injustice" you would do something about George. YOU have been harassing me for over a month now and it needs to stop
As further proof to the harassment by Ainara against me, she on her own gave me a demerit because I was speaking the truth and she did not like it. Fortunately, an unbiased, moderator immediately removed the demerit. Again I ask that you tell Ainara to stop harassing me. I also believed she should be removed as an assistant moderator for abuse of power.
I think you make your own scenarios. but it's not a movie studio here, Anaiara will never punish anyone on purpose, if you've earned it, so be it. you have to stop blackening her here! I'm watching you too!
ummm ok what ever you said