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Sitting is getting boring
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Sitting is getting boring
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Sitting is getting boring
Im here to ask for the opinion of the general, do you think is fair this sitting for months?
Please moderators, make something and Start discounting points like 3 in 3 days or day by day, to avoid this situation, is getting sad and unfair for those Who want to increase Theire nicks and just have 1 or 2 hours to play by day and we playing 2nd and 3rd nicks of top 20 players that just sit. I think is not lógical or sportif. Just start discounting some points to make the players use them top20 nicks, its simple.
Edited by Puskas
Hello Puskas, 

What you are proposing already exists on FlyOrDie. 

If you do not play, points will be deducted from your total rating every 7 days by an amount depending on your current rating.

The following formula is used:
Rn = ( Ro * Ro ) / 125000
Rn is the new rating.
Ro the old (previous day) rating.

Originally, ratings were decreased each day you didn't play   -->  

This was changed in May 2021  to  "every 7 days you didn't play"  --> 

Kind regards, 
Years ago was day by day. Was more competitive 

Im asking for less days or more points taken cus on my option is getting too far away this sitting top 20
When i was 900 + in 2006 o lose like 7 pts por day that make me come everyday to play

And If we think is better for the site
If u check well it says : day by day 

and it doesnt happen
Hello again,
I  wrote in my today's post that this changed from one day  to every 7 days. 

Kind regards,
But in the link u pass me it days day by day
Yes this document has not been updated for quite a while. 

But as I cannot post a table here, I gave you the link to that document and informed you that there has been a change, namely that the deduction is not done every day but every 7 days. 

Please have a look at the second link I gave you as well.



I repeat part of my initial posting: 

ORIGINALLY, ratings were decreased each day you didn't play   -->  

This was CHANGED in May 2021  to  "every 7 days you didn't play"  -->  
Edited by John Stewart
I inderstand now But not fair. Too many sitters. Silly game since then
I like this, I'm also bored
Edited by <unknown author>