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Assistant mods
Dear Moderators
Assistant mods
Dear Moderators
Assistant mods
Some of the a mods are not fit for the task. I dont know why this came to be with assistant mods keeping order in lobby! Its clear that some of them are intoxicated with the sense of power and keep bullying people, interfering in conversations and being Bosses!
I must say them assistant and senior mods are doing an outstanding job now !
Got meself a new subscription and dont ask me how i got it, because i really dont know.
So all good for now, and i keep monitoring the quality here, so better yall continue to do a splendid job here !
Because if not .... i wont hesitate to give further valuable feedback in the forum !

Have nice day, greetings AL
Szerkesztve AL Zamalek által
all moderators are here do a job if they feel fit to demerit someone or to ban them they will..i been here 17 years i know how it works
Good afternoon Spark,
In my opinion none of the moderation assistants abuse of their limited functions, they try to give their best in the good sense of supporting the moderators in the fulfillment of the FlyOrDie rules, sometimes making as is understandable some kind of warning of something less correct by the more impulsive players.
I would like to inform you that not only the moderators but also the administrators check and analyze their tasks carefully and if there is something not so correct they can be removed from their functions and replaced by new assistant members.

I strongly recommend all players to know how to listen and respect with due humility all moderation assistants, just as and the same way and I am firmly sure that they respect the moderators.

It is so that your policy is that we cannot discuss or even mention topics like religion, politics or current events like war and so on.Makes it hard to have a meaningful chat if beeing censored like that. I understand its hard to draw the line but im not talking about trolls beeing abusive, im talking about ppl discussing things that actually matters. I just dont get it. The fact that someone is gonna scrutinize this post and that it might not be posted at all says it all.
Hello Spark, a generalization does not solve any problems. 

If you have any specific complaints, kindly contact the the moderation team and send in screen shots as a proof.
Here the link: 

Best regards,
I have a question do u have any proof?
I dont but you can ask anybody....
If I ask a moderator? Is he/she going to say that?
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