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Two questions
Dear Moderators
Two questions
Dear Moderators
Two questions
Hello ! 
There is a user in the bullet checker room with five previously banned nicknames. At the same time, he writes threats in the lobby and in privat messages to players regarding their receiving warnings (black dots) and bans, deliberately distorts players' nicknames in an offensive context, stalks players during the game, thereby creating interference in the game, and reports that he is collecting proofs. My question is: is this a violation of the rules to the part  (and I quote) "you may not post offensive comments, chat messages or other content... using offensive/rude language, personal attacks, intentionally meaningless/distracting comments, disclosure of other people's data without consent..." And the second question: what behavior contains signs of persecution, including those based on personal hostility?
Thank you.
in order to access the situation properly (and take a necessary action) we require an immediate report of each occurring incident, via the report abuse feature or a valid screenshot. 

Szerkesztve SkaldGuard által
I have a question to answer. A user who has had 5 permanent bans for harassing and insulting players creates a new account and continues to do the same thing. And further, is the user with the nickname "………." new here or is this a new account after previously banned ones? So what about the rules?
Thank you.
Szerkesztve SkaldGuard által

5. Banishment 5.5 FlyOrDie will not tolerate using multiple nicknames in order to avoid banishments. Offenders of our rules might face permanent banishments on all nicknames used by them