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Tournaments - Audit process for recurrent cheater players
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Tournaments - Audit process for recurrent cheater players
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Tournaments - Audit process for recurrent cheater players
I love competing that is why I have been subscribing through the time, I was wondering if there is a possibility to ban them from the official tournaments, everybody knows who they are (sometimes they create an almost exact nickname) I understand the part of income but at least from the tournaments it would be a good idea, they will continue creating accounts and I don't care about global ratings, I feel like at least tourneys should be free of cheaters (not to mention multi-accounts players), at the end of the day a lot of users wanna compete. I think cheaters will continue creating and subscribing accounts but new users will be incentivized to subscribe. At least think about it. (PD: if you wanna reply go ahead, however, I'm not interested in argue about it, it is just one idea to preserve the spirit of the site for the developers team or moderators team)

Kind regards
Dont ban me from tournaments.