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An Idea for Consideration by Technical Team
An Idea for Consideration by Technical Team
An Idea for Consideration by Technical Team
I would like to suggest a practice room for checker players wanting to learn, similar to the pool rooms.  A room with no ratings, no timer, just play.  Added features like a numbered board, undo move option would be a wonderful addition for those who would like to improve their game, or teach other players the greatest (IMO) game in the world.  A room like this can not help but attract world class players who just want to come in and play without worrying about ratings and all the problems they may cause.  Just my opinion.
Hi underwear,
I actually like IBHornswaggled's  suggestion because numerous other games already 
have practice rooms and/or unrated rooms. 
Kind regards, John
Edited by John Stewart
The problem I see is no timer. Someone would stall.
There is a timer. Check out the Reversi unrated room, for example. 


Have a nice evening,
The original post above the writer states no timer.
I copied and pasted this:

A room with no ratings, no timer, just play.
To what purpose in an unrated training room would stalling serve?  The other player can simply exit the game.  The important features necessary in a practice environment is a numbered board and an undo option.  Timer is not necessary in this scenario but could be worked with I think.