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perm ban on a nic
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Dear Moderators
perm ban on a nic
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Dear Moderators
perm ban on a nic
So ya my brother created a nic for fod today  called 'Holywarz'. The nic has been permanently banned  because its apparently an inappropriate nick?  It's a  song?
Edited by SkaldGuard
I wanted to reach out to you regarding your chosen nickname, "holywarz." While I understand that selecting a username or nickname is a personal choice, I wanted to share some thoughts with you, especially given the current delicate state of affairs in the world.

In recent times, there has been heightened sensitivity surrounding religious and cultural matters. The term "holywarz" might not be your intention, but it could be seen as insensitive or provocative by some people who hold religious beliefs close to them. It's important to think about the impact our words might have on others, especially in a diverse and connected online community.

Also, with conflicts and tensions around the world, particularly those with religious undertones, it's important to create an environment of mutual respect and understanding. Avoiding nicknames that could be seen as violent or religiously divisive can help create a more harmonious and inclusive online space.

I respect your right to express yourself, and I hope you understand that my aim here is not to dictate your choices but to encourage reflection and empathy. Perhaps there's an alternative nickname that still reflects your identity and interests without causing offence or discomfort to others.

Thank you for your understanding
Totally Understandable  SkaldGuard
 ty for  the input
So now because  we live together  and share the  same IP am i gona get banned to for ban evasion ? If so im  done here
Edited by Đŗαģōŋ ƒōŗċē