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You asked to me to make u a pic, hope u like it:) Tara

& I use to think u were a girl, cuz of ur name...
imagine that? :|
I dont need to imagine it, flower. I remember it!
lol suit:D where r u? haven't seen u in awhile...
go suity, its ya birthday, gonna party, 900 postys :p

Im really gonna celebrate when I get 1000 posts :p
Won't take you long with your very constructive posts.
Well, at least I dont go around with a second nick called ThePressure saying what a good moderator I would make, eh.

Suit, I think you would make a great mod, as you always do relly amazing, brilliant things for flyordie.
"yeh DaMaster would be a great mod well DaMaster, u represent FlyOrDie fantasically, u deserve to be a mod i reckon ;) "

Enough? Or should I use the search engine to find out more, very poor attemps to be made a moderator.
"fantasically"? lmao suit..i mean virus  i mean ermm...  :|  :p lol
Virus 1k1 
 me fool. I was just taking the mick out of that ponts with two nicks. One telling people to make his other nick a moderator. But obviously you didnt get the joke...

Your getting SO grumpy in your old age man,I think you need a chill pill.
Suit, ThePressure is a person also known as sixers, you can ask any 8-ball player who knows him that he is definately not me.

Or would you like me to ask a few friends to back me up??
Again reading your post and not noticing another comment by yourself suit. I have no intentions of taking on the role as a moderator. 
yea it looks very good. 
tara it's me RFC .. u promised me u wud do one a while back...
hey please dont be cussing in my post, ur disrespecting it PRESSURE! This post was made to show Sherminator his pic, not for u guys to all fight in ok? Thank you
If u wanna argue.... take it on the battlefeild:p
suit its true ..calm down and dont call me a fool 
pressure , suit did not deserve that un called for cussing so i would be careful ..mods dont like cussing lol :p
sry tara, dint mean to make u :( , just suit pizzes off evry1. And now he's makin accusations. pffft
thanx Pressure for not getting mad at me:) apology accepted;)
Pressure, what's with the cussing? No one wants to read that. 
put some 1 elses name on the picture...try sherminator on the pic instead...makes me look bad :$:p

Just wot do u mean by that Sherman? It does say Sherminator, are u blind? Don't worry bout my Sigs, cuz 
, all by yourself!
the picture tara...it says above the tank "SHERMAN"....dont start playing a game tara...im not blind...but you must be :p
I really could careless Sherman, that's just too bad, if u don't like it:D

I like it alot Confed!! Will U make me one? purdy please:)


Since your so "purdy" :p, I made you one. I sent it to you in email.
he tara i'm us tank hunter.. have you worked on pic. 

just wondering .. take your time .. 

us tank hunter
hi us tank hunter, I will work on ur pic this weekend ok:D

thanks tara.. take your time .. 

us tank hunter

hey tara, i am sherminator's friend. i live up the street from him. that is an awesome picture.  how u do it so good. i was asking if you could do one for me. i don't care how you do it. cause you are good. just do it the way you want. 

hey tara love the pic. thanx so much you are the man......thanks so muck it looks awsome. I love it.

Your welcome Sherminator, glad ya liked it. Thank u for the nice words:)

us tank hunter... I'll make u one too, when I get the time k? I'll post it on this post.

that's awesome.. thanks tara. 

lol guys im sorry ive been real busy with school and stuff but i just wanted to let yall know that ill be on sometime this weekend maybe, im going tubing on saturday so, and i got church sunday.. ill try to make time though ok guys ?
Peace out
Thank you fellow tanxters:) Right now I've learned how to install plugin filters into my photoshop program, that does neat things to the graphic's & I got this one thats a military radar filter, so am messing around trying to see if I can make one using it,lol
 and btw... I'm not a man,lmao!! (just wanted to clear that for you) Most u know that neways! 

Hey welcome back NERO;)

I thought you were a man because of your name :|