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Why do  most of you high pointers,HIDE behind other nics.I would appreciate answers from them.Not the wannabee, high pointers.

I did ask one of them,and he said its because he doesnt like teamers,yet he teamed,to get the teamers ???

Do you think any of them (except minni,you dont need to)will answer? 
I secound this question.

I find it is disrespectful that I am not "good" enough to play a 600 rated person. But i can play him on his 400 nick.
you people complain about the dumbest stuff. what difference does it make which name you play a person on?? that person is still who they are regardless of something as insignificant as an alias. i sometimes wonder if you people are just looking for an excuse to complain. if you beat a 600+ pointer on his 400 nick, you beat him! what difference does it make?
You didnt answer the question,ares, god of name changing.

Is the S and the E, in your name in the wrong place ?

Peter , your previous posts have been great , however on this occasion i have to disagree ....
Sure , i have had other nicks in the past but they have all been between 450-500 , this is simply because after 600 points are extremely hard to earn due to the current rating system .
Another reason is because i get bored quite easily and like frequent changes ...
But , i agree with the part in your first post when you said about the players who hide behind different nicks just to stalk players and get their points , i think this is pathetic ...
And FlyOrDie should possibly in the future do something to restrict the amount of nicks a certain player has , maybe 2 is a suitable number ? 
Reply back to this post peter and tell me what you think mate ..
Tanx for replying TANK_M.I do agree with you that beeing 600+,it is harder to find other brave 600+ people willing to fight.Partly due to the fact that 600+ people , take out other nics,to get points,so that no-one else can get to 600 .So its a big circle were caught in.

What is it you disagree with.?

I don't think I wanna comment on the name changing aspect of this topic....we all see it......we all know it exists...I'll leave it at that...the only point I will make in that regard is....individual players have a choice...to play against another..... or not to play against them.

Also...to address my good friend TANK_MASTER's mention of a limit on nicknames....this has been thought of and discussed in detail amoung the FlyOrDie staff and volunteer moderators..... and it always gets back to one critical item.....and that is...multiple users within the same household who visit the games...an example would be a family of 5...who all have different nicknames...on the same IP address... (nothing wrong with that) but it would present problems in enforcing a nick name limit of say....3 names.
FlyOrDie's current position on the use of multiple nick names is:

FlyOrDie does not endorse the use of multiple nick names by one individual, but said use does not 
 violate the site rules of use"

however..it is also worth noting this text as well...related to banishments of names...taken from the site rules of use page:

"FlyOrDie will not tolerate using multiple nicknames in order to avoid banishments. Offenders of our rules might face permanent banishments on 
all nicknames
 used by them (please also see 3.12)"

I hope this helps clairify this topic.


I myself have many nicknames, you all have seen them of course.

I like to start off new sometimes, for example :

I didn't play for a month, then when I got back I made a new nickname, which was this one.
I wanted to see how good I had become, or how bad I changed to. I wanted to see my ratio without teaming and alone.
I have multiple nicknames, I don't try to hide between other nicks, I just try to have a good time, and starting off new, for me is a great perspective....I really like it.

One thing that I would be amazed at is : If FlyOrDie had the ability to make players perhaps, "DELETE THEIR ACCOUNT", in order for that nickname to be available to someone else, and the e-mail too for other nicks.

Since some accounts haven't been used in a while, or have been banned, or the holder of the account doesnt like the nickname anymore, I would say that this would be a great idea...
Thanks,for clearing up some points.

peter, first of all NO THE "E" AND THE "S" ARE NOT IN THE WRONG PLACE IN MY NAME! second of all im not doing anything illegal with this name. i have never been banned, so im not avoiding punishment. im not hiding behing this name as several players know who i am. whenever i train myself i make a new name so that i can start over and see how i do from 0 points on up. if u have a problem with that then it sucks to be you, cuz there is nothing wrong with what im doing. and i'd appriciate it if you'd take your problems up with me in person and not in the forum.
Unfortunately ares,im not one of the privalaged,I dont know who you are,you know,name changes and all that.If people want to start anew,why dont they get rid of the points they have?If people want to train,whats wrong with non rated rooms?

It will be interesting to see how many challenges I get,now that ive started anew,from all you name changers.

Peter , 
Theres no reason to blank me in tanx just because you and me disagree on something ...
Oh and as for that statement saying that i "stabbed you in the back" well ...i dont have the faintest idea what you are talking about ..
i hope you come to your senses 
Your old mate ..TANKY;)
LOL,tank-master,is that what I call you ?

I asked you if you were still in RRF,im still waiting for an answer,so its you who blanks.

All I said in that room was"what do you call a friend,who stabs you in the back".Now I didnt see a "TANK_MASTER"in that room,so what makes you think I was talking about you.

You now have that many diffrent names,you dont know if your coming or going.Real friends dont go changing there names,so that they can stab you in the back,like some people do on here,thats what im getting at.
Peter , you said if i was in RRF and i distinctly said yes ...
and its obvious what you were implying  , also stabbing you in the back ? you mean by having a different nickname and shooting at you , well i never do that to any of my "friends" including you ...., you also have to understand that many people were talking to me at the time whilst i was also making a turkey sandwich :p
Hope you have fun,with all your nics,no doubt I will have to bump into you, then I will mute you,so that there is no more miss-understanding.

I should have listened to ,,,

enjoy your turkey.
Your actin like a child now peter tanks a nice guy:p
Did someone say, "stabbed you in the back?" :)
Ahoy matees! I just swabbed up the greatest alliance 
 It consists of:
seastrike 70
lightstrike 120
me! 100
flame master000 300
shadowstrike 200
light master000 150
monster jet 100
vampire master000 60

and many more!
if you want to join our forces, create a name with "strike" or "master000" at the end of a screenname, come to one of us and confirm you are a member. Remember, we want 
 in our forces!
if that is your opinion of "greatest", krab, then you have low standards. (no offense to anyone he's named, and no offense to him).