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[b]The Blackball[/b]
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[b]The Blackball[/b]
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[b]The Blackball[/b]
This rule totally annoys me just say its is the last black and i was 8 points down ppl just foul and win by 1 this shud be change 2 a foul and 7 away for the person who fouled  any by the way mossy is king and also best player ever 
i agree, it has happened to me too. when the person intentionaly fouls u should get the points the foul was worth and then have a chance to win.whos to say they wouldnt have fouled trying to sink the black ball and give u a chance to win
The rules say:

"if only the black ball is left on the table, the frame ends with the first score or foul."

So if there's only the black left, and the difference is at least 8 points, then the match is basically over, I think...