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9 ball rules???
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9 ball rules???
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9 ball rules???
i just wanted to know if fod have changed the rules for 9 ball yet, when i used to play it for about 1 hour, i found out that if u potted the 9 off break its a foul, can some 1 get back to me to tell me if its been changed :p
matt :D
I have been playing on this site for a year and I have never seen anyone pot the 9 on the break.  Is it even possible?
well i could do it 5 times out of 10 u just gotta know now ;)
i just potted 9 ball off break in tourney snd im new to 9 ball usually a blackball player!!!
Yes they changed it.
Now it does count as win if you pot 9 from break.

9 ball pool is a type of pool game that requires the player to pot the 9 balls starting with the ones with lowest value. The player needs to clear off all the balls from the board by hitting them one by one into the pot.