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PMSL... 9 ball is a joke everyone agree?
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PMSL... 9 ball is a joke everyone agree?
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PMSL... 9 ball is a joke everyone agree?
OPERATOR u need to make a rule where (9) goes last at all costs .. its not 9 ball its hit hard and win that shud be the new name of the game ;\ pff.. everyone agree?

Well if you chang that rule than it is no longer 9ball ;\
PS: Thy r not gonna make 9ball into a diff game

they will pursue the most common (probally american) rules of 9ball--which they have
   The game is 9-ball.If u dont like it, go on out to the playground and make up your own game with your own rules and enjoy.
Maybe there should be a normal 9 Ball Room and another which states the 9 must go in last ? :) Just a Suggestion.

χχČŠĶĂ Mǿşĉǿŵχχ
Your all IDIOTS! Enjoy the games as they are and quit complaining about them.  FFS all you babys need a life.  These are games, their intended for fun. You all take them so seriously and complain about FOD not making made up rules.......Like i said, get a life.........NERDS!
9 ball is tactical  n it is gd
9 ball does my head in sometimes ....

I usually clear up then miss either the 8 ball or the 9 and give the game away ....

So frustrating :|
i agree with nineinchnineball i mean i have always played 9 ball where if u make nine in without making a foul that it is game over they win i mean if u dont like the rules dont play the game
No way man! it wouldn't be called 9-ball after that!

yes i agree with the first post. Potting the (9) after a foul is absolutely unsportmanship, even comboing it without a foul is somewhat unsportmanship unless there is no other way out. SO PLEASE OPERATOR, this is an internet and if people wont play releasticly, please make a new game ! Almost 9/10 of every 500+ pointers want that.
cutegirl u was goin on about how much 9ball is best game last night...
too many flukers on 9ball

LOL 9 ball is a game u might aswell say lets take tackling out of soccer u dip sh*t
 Why don't we just change the order the colours go down in Snooker too?
if you dont like it why dont you just not play instead of spoiling the game for everyone else? y get rid of it when other people still enjoy it?
i like 9 ball :D luck seems to be on my side
I'm in the group that thinks everyone should stop whining about it. The game of 9 ball has always included the combo, whether or not it is after a foul. I am respectful of those who do not like to combo after foul and I won't do it unless I know my opponent is someone who will. However, I've been playing pool for about 25 years and had never heard of no combo after foul until I came to FOD. Maybe it's a tradition in some locations/pool halls/pubs or whatever, but professional 9 ball has always included the combo. You won't ever see pros stomping around whining about it so why should people on an internet game site do so ? 
Professional 9ball players dont combo the (9) unless 
I seen a game on tv couple of times, and they 
combo a 9 after a foul.
Because the Pros are so good that they dont have to combo after a foul! They can pott all the 9 balls in one visit! Most players on FoD are not so good than the professionals!
Then stop talking crap! U cant go and just change the rules. It wouldnt be 9-ball anymore!!! The game is good as it is!!!!!
if or as if your mistaken, we want another room in which the rules should be changed as to (9) being potted the last. Just like snooker light.
yea but why cant they have a room like they got lite snooker or quik snooker why not 9 ball last rm n if the 9 goes down early it can count as a foul or somthing
The pros dont combo as often because, like someone else said, they generally dont have to. However, given the opportunity for a a sure combo they'll take it, whether there was a foul or not. You wouldn't see Efren Rayes crying because he lost a championship to a combo would you ?
Heck no, it's part of the game.
Efren Rayes would see (9) ball being comobed once in awhile. Theres no big deal about that. This is an internet gaming site. Anyone can play, anyone will do anything. You will get comboed if the ball is near the pocket after foul. 

This is unsportmanship behaviour and should not be allowed at flyordie 9Ball! ;\
Winning in ANY game is often a matter of making as few mistakes as possible and taking maximum advantage of opportunities presented by your opponent's mistakes. To say that sinking the 9 ball via combo after your opponent commits a foul is unsportsmanlike, would be like saying that in a football match (soccer for us Americans) it would be unsportsmanlike to kick a goal if the goalkeeper has happened to slip and fall down, leaving the goal wide open. On the contrary it would be foolish NOT to take the shot. I can just see the conversation with teammates... "Sorry mates, I know I could have won the game for us, but I didn't want to be rude, so I waited for him to get back up  so he could defend the shot..." 

It would be more appropriate to get upset with oneself for making a foolish mistake (committing a foul) rather than label as unsportsmanlike an opponent who then takes a legitimate, legal shot to finish the game.

One thing you can absolutely count on... the pros in real 9 Ball will take that shot EVERY time when given the opportunity. 
Exactly the point I was trying to make Magician. This is the only place I've ever seen in my life where people complain about a game when it is played by the rules that were always in place to start with. 
I agree with Magician and Don.
i dont see the problem here...magician and don are completly right...if the pros can take it why cant you when this is only a computer game!

if you play 9ball its likely you will get fluked, or comboed. if you cant take this dont play it. play snooker or 8ball instead.
"PMSL... 9 ball is a joke everyone agree?"

lol who ever thinks its a joke, better practice and start playing by the rules.
Erm, 9Ball is a joke because:

You pot the balls in order.

Any other aspect to the game without you being hated?


Nothing more fun than pottin 9 balls in order :| at least you have to use your brain in 8Ball and snooker;\
is it easy potting the balls in order when theres several other balls blocking it? in 8ball its easy as there are more half of your balls are positioned in different place. 8Ball = TOO EASY