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Player stats/ratings
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Player stats/ratings
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Player stats/ratings
I keep losing conection when i try to see other players stats...I just lost 21 points in the last 5minutes...there should be a way that the rating system doesn't make you lose points when you D/C...anyway..it's just frustrating!
your router is causing the problem
"the rating system doesn't make you lose points when you D/C"

then it would be quite easy to abuse the system, you could simply unplug your cable when you are in a loosing position, so you could quit without loosing any points.

OP, someone would have to be pretty obsessed with rating to do that, when it would also interrupt their other online activities.

It's a flimsy reason to punish people for the FOD server acting up IMO.
You should accept the fact that we have a deeper knowledge and experience about how "obsessed with rating" our dearest players can be.

Do you think it is our interest to punish the innocent players just for the fun of it? 
You are wrong...

my rating plummeted 15 points when server connection crashed...and game ended.
My opponent was lying 1 in a close game...was I robbed of points?