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I took 1st on tournament now i dont see my name on it. Why is that?
Hi what do you mean?
You deleted by mistake?
People get ban here no reason
People delete from tournament after taking 1st place no reason
Can someone here give answers?
Don tico here? Anyone?
I cannot see that you have played in any tournament...

Which date?
Hi spy thanks for answer
Date was 15.10
I got alot of people that can prove it, that was in the tournament
That was bug that my name is not there and i hope you will fix it. I worked hard to win that
Very unlikely to be bugged, there has been thousands of system tournaments over the years and I've not known names to go missing from the standings.

Was you definitely subscribed at the time of the tournament?
Mybe the bug was that after tournament (day after) subs end and i sub again after.
But still, i wass subs all the way (on the tournament)
Please fix it. Thanks!