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Something's Fishy....
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Something's Fishy....
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Something's Fishy....
I have been using this site and enjoyed it for the better part of a year, but am now going to leave.  The programmers who are using computer simulations are  not a problem--you know who they are, and their scores are crazy large.  yes, they're cheaters and scum, but hey, it's the internet.
  What I have the big problem with are those players, usually with low scores, who are somehow able to kick you off the server when they are about to lose the game.  The less skilled ones just kick you off--the more annoying ones let their time run to 1 second then kick you off the server.  There seems to be more of them now than ever--and they all stink at checkers--you're wiping them out, and then you lose! It's now no longer fun--I can't get back to my more normal 300-level, and am "losing" to 200 level players consistently.  
Two questions:  who are these punks?  Is there any way to combat their tricks?  Should I contact the moderators? please help!!
Well, rank 200 people don't necessarily "suck" at checkers. They are a quite bit above average. But, I do know what you are talking about. This rank 72 challenged me, and I had 3 triple jumps, as well as one double jump. He down right... well, sucked. I was about to jump his last piece, then I was booted off of the server. Coincidentally, that was the only time that night when I had played as well...
Sorry, didn't mean to sound like a brat.  Yah, 200 is a good score.  The point is that anyone who kicks someone off to up their own score or to prevent themselves from an inevitable loss is cheating. 
After this post, though, it hasn't happened to me.  Maybe the mods did something about it.  If they did--thanks!!!
Nah no worries. Lol. But, I will keep my eyes opened. I'm not doing so hot in school right now, so I don't play too much.