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Tanx is going down hill...
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Tanx is going down hill...
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Tanx is going down hill...
hey guys im back (DISTRUCTOR), well im going to say that there really needs to be an update, and i hope the flyordie leader reads this :) 7 or so years and no update? not even a new battlefield? meh just post wot u want.
true if they udate graphics itll be very popular and fun NEW MAPS PEOPLE ..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TerminatoR, I offer you visit my post about "TANX ll - let's influence it together!" . Others speak about same things there. I hope you will also answer on mine :D
graphics will cause extra lag -.- fix the connection is what im asking for
Yes, I'd prefer they fix the lag first as well. I would come by to play once in a while if I thought it would work like it's supposed to.