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Why I rated Red??????
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Why I rated Red??????
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Why I rated Red??????
Moderator - why have you rated me with might use a program- This wrong !!  I finally start learn strategy and win some match and them BAM !!!  Where is the incentive to improve? Please remove.  I can not get a match !!! 
I was wondering why I got tagged myself. Not much I can do then, because no way am I closing my other browser, email, word docs, IRC and flashget. Whatever happened to qualitative anaylsis?
its unfair right. although you do not used a program.
I've been subject to this '!' myself. I do tend to have other windows open which lends some explanation, but if closing all other windows stops 'flyordie' jumping to conclusions, will the '!' then disappear?
Its presence is most annoying as it typically puts people off playing.
If you play on FOD chess, then close out any other windows. That way FOD will not think you're cheating.