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D. Murdoch
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D. Murdoch
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D. Murdoch
Is David Murdoch on this site..?
Anyone know, because I the nick D. Murdoch said he was him & gave me his m.s.n, but no reply on m.s.n..
If anyone knows for definite the real David Murdoch plays please let me know!
Dude, you really should know that David Murdoch would NEVER play on this site. He has WAY to much to do on his busy schedule, and he'd be too busy practicing his curling. He only would come in the Summer
Yeah it's me, Eve told me about this site and I think it's excellent. Anyway I thought I would confirm it really is me Dave Murdoch!
Was playing this guy earlier, and he told me he was the real deal. He's a cool guy and I believe him, it's down to you whether you believe him, but I do.
A couple weeks ago murdock was playing on the tv (murdock vs martin ) and a D murdock was playing on fly or die at the same time go figure
mj moose, that was a different D. Murdoch (with a space) no space in my nickname. ;)
If you are d.murdock then tell me what the final results were in the casino rama skins
hello everyone, i played him earlier, and discovered he is not the real david murdoch, only someone lookin for some jokes
He isn't the real David Murdoch - just some guy who thinks it is cool to pretend he is, and when asked about it to then lie to other players.

It is clear from my stats page that I am not the real Eve Muirhead. It reads:
Let me make it clear that I am not Eve Muirhead, Scottish Curling World Championship Silver Medalist, three times Junior World Champion, and British Olympian. She curls, she golfs and she plays the bagpipes - I don't. I am simply an admirer of Eve. A fan!

I somehow doubt that Eve would have a rating of 78...
Ok I am not the real jeff Stoughton I dont even live in winnipeg BUT I DO HAVE A PURPLE HEART from mens curling championship
I think she doth protest to much
Sure he is the real one,i swear on my name 
With kind off regards Barack Obama :)

Tho it seems "D.Murdoch" isn't the world champion David Murdoch, I do know for a fact there are a few Olympic medalists actually playing on the site from time to time : )

Unfortunately can't 'out' them, tho.

This is the best online curling simulator around, of course there are going to be actual high level curlers playing here. I'd be surprised if neither the actual David or Eve, for example, haven't got a nick on here.
and you can be sure that David and Eve wouldn't be daft enough to call themselves David or Eve! Which of them are you, Snella? lol