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Complain about 2th and 7 th ranks
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Complain about 2th and 7 th ranks
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Complain about 2th and 7 th ranks
Since when reaching 7th(if you were white) or 2th(if you were black) ranks you can change your pawn to bishop, knight or tower.

What's the problem with it? It's a special chess type, called Informant Chess. This is the rule in this game: if you reach the second or seventh line, you can change your pawn to these figures, OR you can choose to reach the next line, like the original chess. :) If you reach it, you can choose queen too.

Um, it isn't possible, but if your turn and get to 8 or 1, it will go back to 7 or 2 and ask you which one you want and then you choose it will give you one of those in 1 or 8th.