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Unfairly accusing people of using a program
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Four in a Row
Unfairly accusing people of using a program
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Four in a Row
Unfairly accusing people of using a program
Accusing other players of using a program happens way too much on flyordie. Personally, I can’t tell whether someone uses a program based on how they play or any other way. Maybe better players than me are able to tell, I don’t know. But my guess is that even the top players who have the expertise to know when it looks like a player is PROBABLY using a program, still cannot know FOR SURE that the player is using a program. And then there’s the vast majority of us, who might suspect someone is using a program but really can’t be sure. Which means that some accusations of using a program are untrue. My guess is most program accusations are untrue, because a lot of these accusations don’t come from top level players, but players who you can be sure from their ranking do not have the expertise to know if a player is using a program or not. It has just become this cheap insult to throw at someone. Yes, it is frustrating to lose to someone using a program. But ultimately we are here to play games and have fun, and throwing around insults without proof probably isn’t fun for the person on the receiving end! My personal opinion is that accusing people of being program users fuels a whole lot of conflict and negativity and is an even bigger problem on flyordie than the use of programs itself. If you call someone a cheater, or run as ‘revenge’ because you think they use a program, and you happen to be wrong, then YOU’RE the bad guy, not them. I have been surprised at the number of people who don’t seem to realise or care about this, and instead just accuse people. There has been a lot of discussion about programs and cheating on this forum, which is fair enough. It makes sense that people don’t want to play someone who uses a program, and want to publicise the issue and discuss how to avoid playing people who use programs. But when it comes to actually naming names and accusing people (in the forum, lobby, or when playing someone), this leads to a lot of harassment of innocent players. I have been a bit surprised that there hasn’t been much discussion about this which is why I’m putting it out there. But I’m sure there are many players who have had similar thoughts. So, my suggestion for a more fun and friendly flyordie: if you’re not 100% sure, don’t accuse.



you can always just mute them if they bother you c: