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Więcej turniejów w pool 
Więcej turniejów w pool 
Więcej turniejów w pool 
Proponuje więcej turniejów w 9 ball gdyż jest tylko jeden w miesiącu i to jeszcze w nocy ... i może jakiś w snooker lite

I would appreciate more 9ball and snooker light tournaments.

[Edited by: Mervin on 29.02.2012 15:15]
there are 9 ball tournaments however for snooker lite because of the amount of players that do play their isnt enough for a tournament in my personal opinion 
what about bank pool still have one in that gaame
Snooker lite has got a lot more players lately..

during the day bank pool has about 5 on playing power snooker has 20 and lite has 40 sometimes more, should definately be a tournament there.