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Backgammon update
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Backgammon update
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Backgammon update
The backgammon game has been updated again.

This recent update includes:
 - automatic pass when there is no valid move
 - no unnecessary dice roll when it is not possible to enter from the bar
 - faster animation to make the game play more fluent
 - possibility to move multiple pieces in one move
 - (back)gammon scoring in discontinued games: the system analyzes the standings when the games is interrupted (retirement, disconnect, give up, etc), and awards a gammon or backgammon to the winner if it finds it justified. (The exact algorithm is beyond the scope of this post.)

Without posting the exact board setup (screenshot) we are not able to judge if it was a "clear", "likely" or "probably" gammon situation.
Developer: Today I played a game where id gone to x4 and had aclear gamoon he  permited himself to lose by time and no gamoon was given it would seem that one can avoid conceding gamon by letting time run out. is this so!. a great improvement this update especialy the little dice next to the name it permits one to judge wether you are playing a novice or someone whith expierence but, few points. yours sincearly. 
Resigning can't be negotiated if:
- someone leaves the match (back to the lobby or closes the game window)
- connection breaks down (intentionally or not)
- time runs out

Sorry I didn't make this clear.

Better to bypass the algorithm when resigning a game and just offer one of;

resign x2
resign x4
resign x8

That way there are no nasty surprises.  If opponent feels you are not respecting the true state of the game, he can refuse the offer.


Gammon scoring after rejecting a double is fixed.

The exact algorithm of awarding a (back)gammon for aborted games won't be disclosed. However, if you think no (back)gammon was awarded in a "clear" situation feel free to post a screenshot.

Sure, @FlyOrDie, that is right.  You never want to double the opponent in a gammon situation.  But the other issues are real.  Clear (back)gammons are often not awarded and vice-versa.
Maybe I am missing something, but if someone is in a clear and obvious situation for winning by a gammon or backgammon, he could not use the doubling cube, as he would only get x1 if the cube gets rejected, wouldn't he.
Good point, lobo, I saw that too.

Also, better for players to negotiate resignation terms than some algorithm that gets it wrong all too often.
Hi, it happened twice to me, that i was doubled, rejected, bu nevertheless was quoted "gammon" - that's against the rules. Seems there's a bug in your update...

Following international rules, and logically, if you reject a doublé you loose single, don't you? This ain't funny
This is all great stuff guys :-D  Your listening ears have been well tuned in, thanks :-)
Weren't we already posting on this subject two days before you???