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Accidental touch/exit on mobile device
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Accidental touch/exit on mobile device
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Accidental touch/exit on mobile device
I wonder if I am the only one facing this. Every now and again, I happen to touch the up arrow to the left of the address bar. This takes me to the game start screen without warning in tje middle of a game, thus aborting the game withoit warning. There should be a confirmation before exiting the game.
Good morning ssaqibh,
First of all thank you for your exposure that is already very welcome,
Yes, I fully understand what happened to you accidentally, it has happened to me and I think to other players, not only on mobile devices but also on a PC this can happen by clicking by mistake on the ( X ) in the upper right part of the game.
However, I leave your suggestion on the table so that our team of developers can analyse and verify the viability of applying a previous and obligatory question such as: "do you wish to leave the game?" which already exists but by clicking on the "Lobby" button as shown in the example of the checkers game: 
