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Abuse of power by mods
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Abuse of power by mods
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Abuse of power by mods
A moderator named Don Tico temporary banned all my ids for no reason. I would like for someone with more authority than him to ask him why he banned me. 

These moderators are creating a dictatorship environment in the game rooms. Players are afraid to even chat when a mod is present because they will ban you for any or no reason. Note I am really against players who insult and don't respect others but when people are chatting and having fun let them have fun, this is what this page is for. 

I would also ask Don Tico to show me if other players are reporting me because I insulted them? I never insult nobody; we are always calling each other names but that's part of the game. I have created many ids and subscripted them all because I like this page. But if moderators keep creating this dictatorship environment. I would take my business elsewhere.
You agreed to one account when you made your account. You acknowledge that you have multiple accounts. Hence the action taken by the mod.
I have like 4 ids, and they are all subscribed, I also have given gift subscriptions to other players.

Do you know that to run a website you have to pay for the server? If you were the owner of this site, you wouldn't mind if people have more than one ''subscripted'' account. 

Note: I am totally against people who create multiples accounts just to bother other players. But when I create more than one account is because I like to support flyordie website.

I'd like to quote some lines from our SITE RULES and the RULES OF USE:

Site Rules (

-Only one account-
Members may only have ONE FlyOrDie.com account, unless explicitly allowed to have more. Members who create more than one account may have all accounts closed.

-Engines/programs in board games-
Using any kind of assistance without declaration is considered extremely unsportsmanlike with appropriate sanctions. You can have one human account and one program account, and you must use both accordingly.

Rules of Use (

5. Banishment
5.5. FlyOrDie will not tolerate using multiple nicknames in order to avoid banishments. Offenders of our rules might face permanent banishments on all nicknames used by them

To keep it short: we do not limit the amount of subscribed nicks, we do limit the amount of randomly created nicks with questionable intend, e.g. why would someone need 50 nicks? 
If a newly created nick or an existing nick is used to avoid an existing punishment or with other malicious intend, those will be banned.
Mod “skald guard “ u mute permanently mi id “TJBC” with out Reason, i ask you kindly to remove the mute but u did not answer me, could u please remove that mute?