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New Jumping Issue
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New Jumping Issue
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New Jumping Issue
Since Friday, I have seen (as well as others) the new anti-jumping technique in effect. I agree it is a long awaited "issue", however, it has a drawback. 

When someone leaves a room by jumping, it gives those points to someone else already in the room. One nameless person, went from Brigadier General to General in a matter of minutes. Another, last night, jumped on purpose, after the player asked him to stop since he knew he'd be reset if it came out. Since these players have noted this, there is a constant "giving" of points to others. I hesitated on bringing this out for all to know, but deemed it a necessary item for all to look out for. Myself, I would rather sit in the lobby and talk than be a party to this. My unregistered S/N is not a lack of support on my part to flyordie, but to discourage jumpers, bankers and those to like to prey upon the weak to boost their status. In all honesty, I do have a "paid" subscription, but choose not to use it. 
In my opinion, the players who whine, cheat or otherwise slam flyordie and other players are the losers in this game. I support this site 100% as if it weren't for flyordie, we wouldn't have such a great game to play.
You're not whining any more than anyone else has over the past few months, and why is there whining in the first place?

That is because things changed from the norms that people were used to.  Some for better and some for worse.  It is this whining that is not only to be expected, but what should be used to make the game better.

The simple thing that needs to be happening, if these new "jumpers" are really ruining the game.. is for flyordie to impose a time limit on how soon you can re-enter a room after you have left it. 

Even better still would be the following of the suggestion that you lose points if you leave before a set number of kills.

But i digress, I wouldn't want to be called a whiner.. lol
I don't think anyone ever suggested giving the points taken away from someone to the other people in the room.  I'm not sure why that happened.
well i lost 100 points to new rule got botted and each time i did it took points ,still the cheat they go in and out game for there budds to get hi rank so theres a whine bla bla